Bullies, oppressors and all men who do violence to the rights of others are guilty not only of their own crimes, but also of the corruption they bring into the hearts of their victims.
Certainly the heart has always something to tell about the future to those who listen to it. But what does the heart know? Scarce a little of what has already happened.
But what is history, Don Ferrante would often say, without politics? A guide who walks on and on with no one following to learn the road, so that his every step is wasted; just as politics without history is like a man who walks along without a guide.
A benefit of friendship is knowing whom to tell secrets to.
Music does not express any idea, but it gives rise to thousands.
The arousing from sleep, after a recent misfortune, is a bitter moment; the mind at first habitually recurs to its previous tranquility, but is soon depressed by the thought of the contrast that awaits it.
I would really like, in fact, to be born again in another two hundred years' time.
One the advantages about this life is that you can hate someone without knowing him.
When a friend, then, indulges in the joy unburdening a secret on to another friend's bosom, he makes the latter, in his turn, feel the urge to taste the same joy himself.
Crime is a rigid, unbending master, against whom no one can be strong except by total rebellion.