The blood sprays, an arterial surge.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
Predators taking advantage of a loophole in US law that in practicality means a white or non-Native man can assault a Native girl or woman on tribal lands and the tribal authorities have no jurisdiction over him.
Alexandra Sokoloff
Revelation. All-time favorite of unmedicated street evangelists everywhere.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
Somewhere outside there was the monotonous thud of a basketball on concrete, some lone player practicing free throws. A suburban sound carrying a ghostly resonance.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
The moon is waxing. December moon. Cold Moon.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
Bookstores and libraries were both alluring and calming for people with troubled minds.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
Things happen. Life happens. Sometimes we draw things to us. Maybe it’s fate. I can’t tell you, Matthew. But it seems that for whatever reason, this one’s yours.
Alexandra Sokoloff -
They stagger on their four-inch platforms; their developing bodies have nothing like the strength required to make that walk look effortless.
Alexandra Sokoloff