Always take a compliment, Caroline. Always take it for the way it was intended. You girls are always so quick to twist what others say. Simply say thank you and move on.
When there was pain or hurt, or bad memories crowded in, work could be a literal lifeline, taking your mind away from what you couldn't deal with and channeling it into something good, something tangible.
Be aware of the walls you build and what could be on the other side.
Well, considering my entire life, now seems rules by odd coincidences, I figure it's right on track.
No really - listen. I believe in signs, and that things are meant to be, I truly do. But try and be open to anything, okay? It doesn't always have to be so hard. Sometimes falling in love just means turning around and seeing what's right in front of you.
I literally could not feel more cozy right now if I were actually inside a marshmallow.
Just because we didn't work out as a couple didn't mean we couldn't work together, right?
But sometimes you have to pretend to be feeling better to actually feel better. It’s why new workout clothes make you feel like you want to work out. I was still waiting for that one to turn out to be true.
You know those moments when everything is exactly the way it was meant to be? When you find yourself and your entire universe aligning in perfect synchronization, and you know you couldn’t possibly be more content? I was inside that very moment, and fully conscious of it.
The right woman for you wouldn't want you to change anything about your life. She wouldn't rock your boat, she'd jump right in and sail it with you.