The professor, instead of being the "sage on the stage," functions as a "guide on the side."
I had a personal trainer twice a week and he was wicked - he made me do circuit training and boxing - by the end of the third circuit, I'd be swearing and ready to punch his face in!
I was uncomfortable playing a constant bitch at first. I'm getting into it now but I'm not as nasty or as cocky as Carla. She's horrible to anyone she perceives to be a rival. I couldn't be like that.
I would never be her mate in a million years! Carla's a nightmare and annoys the hell out of me. She's the type of person who creates drama wherever she goes, and I'm not like that at all. Plus, she'd probably try to steal my fella!
I only had a cough and spit role as a prostitute but they put my bit in the advert the last time it was on TV so I got 'oh, working with Owen Wilson are you?' I got a lot of ribbing about being the whore in Shanghai Knights.
I said yes straight away to this campaign - because I feel I can bring it home in a way. People might not realise breast cancer hits a lot of people my age and younger. I'm very fortunate not to have any immediate family affected but everyone is touched by it. I had a friend who died of breast cancer in her early 40s, the most beautiful lady, and it's very hard to understand.