Supersymmetry arises naturally in string theory.
Nathan Seiberg -
This is a rather unusual situation in physics. We perform approximate calculations which are valid only in some regime and this gives us the exact answer. This is a theorist's heaven- exact results with approximate methods.
Nathan Seiberg
Two lines must meet at a point. Therefore there are only two surprises here.
Nathan Seiberg -
The standard model gives us an accuracy of ten decimal digits, this is an amazing success that has never been achieved before in science.
Nathan Seiberg -
Ultimately, we hope to find a fundamental theory that explains everything with no input parameters.
Nathan Seiberg -
I am almost certain that space and time are illusions. These are primitive notions that will be replaced by something more sophisticated.
Nathan Seiberg -
What will the greatest experiment discover? I have no idea!, maybe nothing!, If we won't check, we will never know. In science there is never a guarantee of success. If you understood this last sentence, then you understood the most important message of this lecture.
Nathan Seiberg -
Whenever you work on something and try to solve one problem, and you end up helping or solving many other problems, it is a sign that what you are doing is good.
Nathan Seiberg