It is Pau-kala. The branch is still bare. The old tree's leaves will never return - they are a memory and a song. But there is a sapling, there is a sapling right beside that old tree, and it's trembling with promise. There will be a spring again.
There are moths outside, ready to die for a light they crave but which is denied to them, shielded from them [...] Sometimes, in the midst of all I have been given, I watch the moths in us all. Everybody has a light which they think they cannot live without.
It's like somebody stuffed him in a barrel full of moonshine-proof cluelessness and then left him there to get pickled in it while it fermented into malice.
If you really want to be a writer, nobody can stop you - and if you don't, nobody can help you.
You have never felt the weight of disappointing love or of failing to live up to expectations. The only thing you've ever been is lonely by yourself – you have no idea how desperate it is to be lonely in the midst of people who love you, and whom you would have done anything to make happy...
But still they turn from it, all of them, and bat their wings against their own impossible dreams.