Its central idea, it was noted, is the production of life through the tieing or union of spirit and matter.
Prayers offered up in Christian worship in the earliest days of the faith were addressed to 'Our Lord the Sun,' evidencing that 'primitive' Christians were quite in the spirit of Pagan forms and ideologies.
There is not one iota of history as we know it in the entire Bible!
...thinking which does not start from and continue in close relation to its foundations in the physical universe must lead to falsity.
It is quite exciting, incidentally, to know that the Genesis account of the creation of mankind through its first parentage in Adam and Eve bears the marks of derivation from the primary Egyptian symbolic depiction.
There is one domain in which untruth is insupportable, that field of the human soul's endeavor of which Truth is the very substance and being, - religion.
It has deprived that mind of the cardinal advantage of knowing the sublime meaning of the splendid Jewish-Christian Scriptures, which are a collection of ancient mythographic portrayals of spiritual truth, sadly and calamitously mistaken for history.