Skilled migration has clear economic and social benefits for Australia and the Australian Government has a range of initiatives to attract skilled migrants, especially to regional areas.
Fourteen were detained and will be escorted to Baxter Immigration Detention Facility while arrangements are made for their departure.
People who want to stay in Australia will always resort to, some will try and resort to, a very unattractive type of protest in order to draw attention to themselves and hopefully to pressure the government.
The Australian government is working closely with industry to target the skilled migration programme to help meet the needs of the states and regions, including regional and rural Victoria.
The Pacific solution has been an outstanding success.
The conditions at Baxter do need to be improved and when we have finished the job, I think everybody will be very proud of it, ... It will never be a fun place to be but it will be very good.
These gun laws are very much the creation of the Prime Minister.
One person's view is not to be sniffed at. Everybody is entitled to have their view and people are entitled to have a different view from the view the [American] Government has arrived at and they're entitled to express their view.