I did realize more than ever, after the stabbing, that tennis is a business - a tough business.
I used to pretend that I was Tom attacking Jerry, who was drawn on the ball
As you know, I was one of the original grunters. But Jimmy Connors used to grunt way before I was born. I never knew I was grunting, it was just part of my strokes.
Life is not worth living if I cannot have pasta or bread again.
I decided that I want to live the rest of my life happy with what I'm doing. So when I play tennis again, I have to play it for the right reason. I don't want to play to get my No. 1 ranking back. I don't want to play for the attention, or to earn more. I don't even want to play because the world wants to see me do it, even though it's nice to know that the world is interested. I only want to play because I love the game, which is the reason I began to play at age seven in the first place.
Tennis is so competitive. I guess that's the way it has to be.
You have to want to play it all day, every day to get to the top.
I have this terrible dark side to my personality, which playing tennis keeps at bay
I'm about the present.
People think I must have been so talented at an early age, but I don't know - was it talent or hard work? Who knows?
That's the key to success, isn't it? It has to be fun.
Tennis has to become everything to you if you're going to make it to the top. You have to live it.
I don't believe in playing hurt, in taking injections to cover the pain.
I have to live for the day, and not worry about or try to know what tomorrow brings.... if I've learned one thing from all that's happened to me, it's that if you would know what tomorrow brings, you may not want to live it.