I'm not a huge luck guy. I think you make your own luck. I don't really believe in some other force making your own luck.
Sometimes @BrookeShields rolls into your party dressed as a Christmas tree, carrying a bucket of KFC. pic.twitter.com/DTtZkZY4cB
When youre young, the blue blazer feels like a grown-up costume.
I never drink coffee, can you believe that? Works in morning television, doesn't drink coffee.
I often eat Skippys Super Chunk peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. I dont shamefully sneak it in the dark of night when everyone is in bed. I just twist that cap off and go to town right out in the open.
I think President Obama has always been a little bit underestimated. Some of the things he's done with foreign policy have been unassailable. Getting us out of Iraq, killing Osama Bin Laden.
An ideal day starts with putting on a good, smart, fun show where I learn something and ends with me fending off atomic knee drops from my two kids in our no-holds-barred pillow fight/steel cage matches. They are a ruthless tag team.
I was a big Dave Winfield guy growing up.
I hope I pass on my dad's good humor, work ethic and lack of self-seriousness. Our house was always a fun place where you'd get knocked around quickly if you took yourself too seriously.
My dad was always fascinated and amused by Trump, so I learned to be fascinated and amused by Trump.
Guy Fieri's hair is the front lawn to hell.
Bacon. Crispy. Salty. I could just eat a mountain of bacon for breakfast; it's so delicious.
I treat Twitter like a news feed. I follow you guys, I follow every news organization - left, right, center, and everything in between - and it's like a ticker on my phone. For me it's that you have to wade through the people who wish you were dead - and I have to respect their opinions - but it helps me stay on top of the news.
I keep my politics a little closer to me than others do.
New York, it's people. It's grit. It's diversity of people. It's diversity of industry. In L.A. everyone's looking over their shoulder because one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills just walked in. They value the wrong things.
I think there's something about the homemade birthday cake, because my wife, on my daughter's first birthday, started the tradition where she takes a full cake and cuts the number birthday out of it.
What can you say about Guy's cooking that hasn't been printed on a packet of cigarettes?