Some growers believe that a particular type of music makes the plants grow faster, but most agree that the best strategy for the plants is to play whatever music the workers like best.
I’d always felt that one could read a woman’s discontent in the amount of embroidery in her sitting room. It gave me a crowded and nervous feeling to sit among so much frantic stitchery.
People here had redwood trees in their backyards. You were never far from the infinite.
A garden is a human creation. It has to be thought of first, wished into being, planned for like a child.
Perfume makers know that, owing to genetic differences in how we experience fragrances, about half the people who inhale jasmine will think of honey, and the other half, unfortunately, will think of urine. They’re both right.
A poisonous seed will only kill you if you chew it and swallow.
Gardeners are the ultimate mixologists.
Perhaps it makes sense that a creature that doesn't get ill and has few enemies among its neighbors would also live agelessly and die without explanation or cause - would simply vanish without a trace.
The male doesn't eat - it doesn't even have a mouth or an anus - so it does nothing but mate until death.
Eternity can be found in the minuscule, in the place where earthworms, along with billions of unseen soil-dwelling microorganisms, engage in a complex and little-understood dance with the tangle of plant roots that make up their gardens, their cities.