There are some words that once spoken will split the world in two. There would be the life before you breathed them and then the altered life after they'd been said. They take a long time to find, words like that. They make you hesitate. Choose with care. Hold on to them unspoken for as long as you can just so your world will stay intact.
If truly tested, how would we react?
He looked so pained that I dreamed of taking his hands and making him dance.
No, no, no, no. Don't get carried away, man. One thaw is not the summer.
Describe snow to someone who's lived in the desert. Depict the colour blue for a blind man. Almost impossible to fashion the word.
My beloved son Thomas did caution, when first I set out to flow this tale upon the world, that although they may not be felt like a fist or a whip, words have a power that can nevertheless cower even the largest man to gibbering tears.
Paved with gold, no - but, yes, diamonds appear on the ground in the rain.
For, like the wind, the sun, or the flowing river, like a soaring man-of-war or a beetle under a stone, like a spider at a web or a crab scuttling sideways across a shore, Nimrod was free.
Why you wan' the whole world when ya have a likkle piece a hope here? Stay. Stay and fight, man. Fight till you look 'pon what you wan' see.
We went up and up into the heavens until people were just dots below us. As we hung right at the top-the twinkling electric lights below mingling with the stars-Father said something I will never forget. He said, 'See here, Queenie. Look around. You've got the whole world at your feet, lass.