We want this center to bring together the people who devise new ways to save energy, those who finance their development, the manufacturers who make the products, and the industries and consumers who buy and benefit from them. The effective management of energy costs is increasingly important as companies strive to maintain a competitive edge. The center looks forward to helping California businesses measure and mitigate these costs, and manage the competitive risks associated with energy price volatility.
Wisdom is not about what you know, but how you know it. If knowledge is a measure of the grasp an individual has of a given subject, wisdom is a measure of his grip. Does he hold his ideas lightly or loosely? Will he let go when they show signs of wear or inappropriateness?
Slowly, a number of students are beginning to get more interested not only in entrepreneurship but in learning more generally what it takes to make a difference with their research.
It was the perfect invention. It was simple to implement the technology, but it brought an old idea (auctions) into a new domain (the Internet).
They represent a good cross-section of the quality graduate students who are getting interested in commercializing their research.