To be an ethical leader is indeed to be different. This kind of leader acknowledges the complexity of running a responsible business, yet tries to do it anyway.
Change is like a charging cow. Don't ignore it - milk it.
Instead of cutting tax rates for the rich, we should focus on making the tax system simpler for ordinary Australians.
The Australian model - which was a fair degree of liberalization but not the full Chicago school treatment - did better.
Charisma defined As usual, the Greeks had a word for it. Charisma originated with an ancient Greek word meaning ‘gift’. The early Christians later used it to describe ‘gifts from God that allowed receivers to carry out extraordinary feats such as healing and prophesy.
Mainly by using energy and through being fully alert to your surroundings, namely being present. Others rely on methods that are more basic. These include learning to make proper eye contact, encouraging smiling, or developing the ability to ‘talk to anyone’. These are certainly important ingredients.
Services are the present and future development trend for enterprise software. We've all agreed to speak the lingua franca of services. This is immensely important to customers; just as HTML enabled the explosion of the Web, SOA is doing the same for business applications.
For every serious injury or death that is saved by switching from a medium car to a large SUV, two more result.