Get yourself healthy before you get yourself married. Too often we bring our unexamined selves into our marriage relationship. Also, have a cultivating commitment to have a quality relationship with each other in your marriage.
Marriage doesn't just happen! It takes a solid set of decisions, a huge amount of skill and enormous willpower.
In order to know how to talk, you have to know what to say. In order to know what to say, you have to get in touch with those deep-inside-of-you thoughts, feelings, needs, and yearnings. These are the parts of you that must be communicated if you are going to be known.
When you are intimate with the person you love, you create unlimited possibilities for the growth of your relationship. Intimacy has the potential for lifting the two of you out of the lonely world of separateness and into the stratosphere of emotional oneness. Conversely, the number one enemy of any marriage is the lack of intimacy. If two people do not know each other deeply, they can never become what the Bible calls ‘one flesh.
Your relationships can only be as healthy as you are.
In the midst of conflict, there is absolutely nothing that produces gains as dramatically as listening.
A bad marriage is worse than no marriage at all.
There is only one time to think about commitment - before you make it!