We as a music community have our own issues about advocacy, copyright, intellectual property, being paid fairly for the work that we do.
We live in a time of fake news - things that are made up and manufactured.
The fact that there isn't a performance right for the use of sound recordings on terrestrial radio means there's hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign income that doesn't come to the artists in America.
Because U.K. artists aren't compensated when their music is played on U.S. radio stations, U.S. artists aren't compensated when their records are played on U.K. stations based on the fact that there's no reciprocity. If that income came in, our artists would be paying income taxes on it. So if we can get a lot of policy on the radar, that may have some positive influence.
Andy Wiliams' smooth voice and casual style turned the songs he sang into timeless classics and made him one of America's top pop singers. ... The entertainment industry has lost a giant piece of its living history today, but Williams' legacy will forever be enshrined in the annals of music and television.
Sometimes you don't want to believe everything you hear.
I support artistic freedom and always have.