Faith that doesn't affect your life isn't really faith.
What we do with our lives every day, whether at school, a desk job, or keeping the home in order, is our most basic opportunity to glorify God. That's what your role in His story looks like day in and day out. Instead of waiting to be offered a new role, play the current one well.
Young men just don't know what it means to be a man. There are so many lies about what it means to be a man whether that be get a bunch of girls or get a bunch of money or don't cry and don't have emotions. Nobody is teaching them how to be men.
The question is not whether or not you will face trials. The question is, how will you respond when you do?
Who are we? We're not perfect but we're not worthless. Scripture tells us that we're beautifully made, but broken.
Denying self isn't a one-time thing, but a daily task.
Folks need the Gospel. We need to have our hearts changed. We see people from a skewed point of view. We need to see people the way God sees them.
Here's the grey rule: embrace things that lead you closer to Jesus, and reject things that lead you away from Jesus.
There are so many lies out there about what the good life is whether that's making as much money as you can or just being the best you can be. I just want to challenge those lies and look at what God says the good life is in His Word. He says that the good life is about believing in God and embracing everything that He has for us.
Training in God's gym may hurt sometimes, but He will make us stronger.