The two people I like most—outside my family—have secrets that I don’t ask about. Momma says it’s a flaw. She says I should be more interested; that people like to be asked about themselves. I should find out what made them who they are. I look at Shoogy and Bobby and think it doesn’t matter ’cause the past doesn’t always make sense of the present.
Damn. It's still the Midwest around here, no matter how many open-minded people you surround yourself with.
If the world were really right, humans would live life backward and do the first part last. They'd be all knowing in the beginning and innocent in the end.
I don't know if I'd call either of them restless. Maybe hyperactive about some things. Anyway, I think as long as your soul is still attached to your body, it's impossible for it to be restless. I think you go where your spirit takes you.
My life is like tofu—it's what gets added that makes it interesting.
Maybe his heart is searching for and not finding the place it used to live. I understand that because mine is searching and not finding too.
All I can think is that I want her more than anything. I want her more than I've ever wanted anything, ever.
You don't have to know everything in the world. We aren't supposed to. It makes you boring in mixed company if you can't be interested and ask questions of other people.
And then I know I'm being a man, not just some kid who's upset and wants it his way.
I say, “I hate this ‘keepin’ it real’ stuff. What’s it all about, anyway? Real is what is. If you have to keep something the way it is, then it’s not going with the natural flow. That’s lying. I mean, if you can’t change because you think this is the way it always was and anything else would be phony, that’s stupid.