Every time I get criticism from people, I learn from it and what to do the next time so there are fewer misconceptions. I'm continuing to be socialized as a woman, but also as a filmmaker.
Men's requirements of women are impossible and ridiculous and so destructive.
What I'm really trying to do is recreate classic Hollywood cinema and classic genre cinema from a woman's point of view. Because most cinema is really made for men, how can you create cinema that's for women without having it be relegated to a ghetto of "chick flick" or something like that?
Cinema can transform pain and trauma into something beautiful.
No matter what I do, all people talk about is production design, whether it's not good enough or it is good enough. And I'm thinking: This is because my content makes people uncomfortable. It's a way for people to not talk about the content.
I've always loved movies dealing with the terror of a woman who doesn't really know her husband and finds out that he's a monster. It's one of my favorite plots.
We women have gained so many more things, but we lost that kind of sexual power, the glamour power. We still love women who can still do that in culture.
I feel like that's how women feel in a way. You can get paranoid because everyone actually is a conspiracy to diminish your power.
I base everything on my own life experiences as a female. I start from there, and then I look for characters and settings that I think are cinematic, where I can use symbols and imagery to tell a story.
I think glamour is a female thing. I don't think that's a male fantasy. I think glamour's a female fantasy.