Without grace there is no hope, but with it there is no shortage.
For most men, time moves slowly, oh so slowly, they don't even realize it. But time has revealed itself to me in a very special way. Time is a rushing, howling wind that rages past me, withering me in a single, relentless blast, and then continues on. I've been sitting here passively, submissive to its rage, watching its work. Listen! Time, howling, withering!
Some men live their lives terrified. Terrified of the night and all that is dark. I will live my life eternally in fear of the light of day.
There was much bitterness in the family. There were even those who would liked to have considered Barnabas Collins dead. But he lived on. He lived on-and outlived his enemies.
I'm a picker, I'm a grinner, I'm a lover and I'm a sinner. I play my music in the sun.
They tried stoning me, my dear. It did not work.
Love means never having to say you're sorry. However, it is with sincere regret that I must now kill all of you.
Family is the only real wealth.
I have already prepared my counter proposal. It reads thusly: you may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!
It is said that blood is thicker than water. It is what joins us, binds us, curses us.
Loathesome I am, and evil. You can mock me for that. But leave my pain alone!