The baronet, in his old age, had been cast up by his vices on the shores of melancholy; heavy-eyed, grey-haired, bent, he seemed to pass through life as in a dream.
The cozy fire is bright and gay, The merry kettle boils away and hums a cheerful song. I sing the saucer and the cup; Pray, Mary, fill the teapot up, And do not make it strong.
Perhaps the prayer that is offered when the time for praying is over is more terribly pathetic than any other. Yet one might hesitate to say that this prayer was unanswered.
Come little cottage girl, you seem to want my cup of tea; and will you take a little cream? Now tell the truth to me!
Modernity kills ghostly romance.
He was so disrespectful that it was believed that he spoke truth.
Outside everything was uncannily visible in the light of the full moon, but here in the dark shaded alleys the night was conscious of itself.
Anyone can prove anything except that anything's worth proving.