Officialdom needs to put you in a categorizing box, and if it cannot then it is free to make its own verdict upon your status.
Momilo had once explained to me the mentality of Bosnia’s killers in a few short words: ‘In the morning they hate themselves, in the afternoon the world.’ So, Momilo, where are you now?
Respect for the dead comes second to respect for the living, and I believe no man's demise exempts him from culpability.
The anger came creeping back like the leak from a dripping water tank, the fall of each individual drop passing almost unnoticed until I realized I was soaked with the emotion.
But if you stuck around long enough at the time, the dead and wounded piled up so quickly they squeezed one another off the narrow platforms of your memory.
We lived together for a long time,’ he said, looking out of a crack-spangled window, ‘we have no need to fight.’ I bet he is dead now. He had the vulnerable purity and courage that would ensure he was among the first to get whacked on the front.
On one level my sense of despair had been dispelled by therapy, yet on another it had not been replaced by either the desire for a future or the concept of one. I felt more aware of who I was, but that in itself-dominated as it was by sensations of fragmentation and isolation-filled me with no great hope, and in many ways only fuelled an appetite for destruction.
There are two ways to die here,’ the fighter concluded. ‘You can die doing the right thing for the wrong reason, or die doing the wrong thing for the right reason.
Men and women who venture to someone else’s war through choice do so in a variety of guises. UN general, BBC correspondent, aid worker, mercenary: in the final analysis they all want the same thing, a hit off the action, a walk on the dark side. It’s just a question of how slick a cover you give yourself, and how far you want to go. If you find a cause later then hold on to it, but never blind yourself with your own disguise.