If wars were fought only by the men on the ground, the men facing one another in real battle, most wars would end quickly and sensibly. Men are smart and men are animals, in that they don't want to die so simply for so little.
Some wars are unavoidable and need well be fought, but this doesn't erase warfare's waste. Sorry, we must say to the mothers whose son's die horribly. This will never end. Sorry.
When you fail, you disgrace yourself and others. When you succeed, be proud and others will be proud for you.
If while alive you hurt or disappoint people you love, there's no use continuing such behavior when you're dead.
My despair is less despair than boredom and loneliness.
It dosnt matter how many mr. and mrs. johnsons are anti war- the actuall killers who know how to use the weapons are not.
It occured to me that we will never be young again.
There was no such thing as a private life, all lives were public.