Arina Tanemura is a Japanese manga artist who mainly creates shōjo manga. Her debut work was a one-shot titled The Style of the Second Love Niban-me no Koi no Katachi), which was later reprinted in the anthology Short-Tempered Melancholic. Tanemura's breakthrough work was 1997's I.O.N, a high school romance with a supernatural twist. From 1998 to 2000, she worked on the popular series Phantom Thief Jeanne, about a young girl who is the reincarnation of Joan of Arc, followed by Time Stranger Kyoko and Full Moon o Sagashite. In 2004, Tanemura came out with The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross, her first manga to consist of more than seven volumes. Tanemura serialized Fudanjuku Monogatari in Margaret from July to November 2011.
Also known as