Whenever we release our need to be right about everything as parents, we are able to meet our children in a relationship of mutuality and respect.
Arjuna Ardagh -
Awakening is usually precipitated by the honest, sincere, inquiry into who you really are.
Arjuna Ardagh
However much you may have expressed love through your life, you can always express love more.
Arjuna Ardagh -
That's the translucent life. You are continuously discovering how you can ooze more Spirit into your personal life and there's no end to that process. It goes on and on and deepens and deepens and deepens.
Arjuna Ardagh -
In a quantum universe, magic is not the exception but the rule.
Arjuna Ardagh -
A translucent person appears to glow as if from the inside. It's as though they've been lit up from inside and they appear to emit light.
Arjuna Ardagh -
There were statistically more women than men on the planet. Why should every major religion have been founded by men and propagated by men?
Arjuna Ardagh -
The translucent life is very much about overflowing with a gift to the world, rather than being here to consume or to get something for yourself.
Arjuna Ardagh
Masculine people, by their nature, tend to want to make everything into a journey with a goal.
Arjuna Ardagh -
However much your life may have become an expression of creativity, of generosity of spirit, there's always the further possibility of more or just expressing it in different ways.
Arjuna Ardagh