People don’t invent things on the Internet. They simply expand on an idea that already exists.
Most people go through life thinking that tomorrow they’re going to do something great. Tomorrow will be the day that they wake up and discover what they were put on this earth to do. But then tomorrow comes—and goes. As does the next day. Before long, they realize that there aren’t that many tomorrows left.
History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.
In the past, history was always written by the victors. But in the age of Twitter, history is written by everyone.
Over time he learned that the way to have a leg up on everyone else was to anticipate something before it happened and then have the answer to it.
Some people are destined for greatness; others fall up a hill to get there.
The press pass and the a title of “journalist” had been replaced by a smart phone and a Twitter account.
If there is no X to mark the spot, there is no spot.
It was a testament to the resilience of humanity. Give a man a tree and he will make it into a boat; give him a leaf and he will curve it into a cup and drink water from it; give him a rock and he will make a weapon to protect himself and his family. Give a man a small box and a limit of 140 characters to type into it, and he will adapt it to fight an oppressive dictatorship in the Middle East.
Loneliness is not so much where you are, but instead is your state of mind.