It is possible for two people who have wide differences of preference and opinion, of habits, of teaching, of training, of background and belief to enjoy the company of each other in many ways. Indeed, a diversity of friendships is one of life's real enrichments. To learn of the goodness of those who are unlike-their worth, their sincerity, their good hearts, their good minds, their good company-is rich and rewarding. It is wonderful to have a wide range of choice friends who can be counted on, friends who can be enjoyed and loved and trusted. Such is the meaning of friendship.
Richard L. Evans -
It sometimes seems that we live as if we wonder when life is going to begin. It isn't always clear just what we are waiting for, but some of us sometimes persist in waiting so long that life slips by - finding us still waiting for something that has been going on all the time. . . . This is the life in which the work of this life is to be done. Today is as much a part of eternity as any day a thousand years ago or as will be any day a thousand years hence. This is it, whether we are thrilled or disappointed, busy or bored! This is life, and it is passing.
Richard L. Evans
There are few of us but who have been touched somehow by death. Some may not have been touched closely by it nor yet have kept vigil with it, but somewhere along our lives, most of us are sorely bereft of someone near and deeply cherished - and all of us will some day meet it face to face.
Richard L. Evans -
Life moves in one direction only - and each day we are faced with an actual set of circumstances, not with what might have been, not with what we might have done, but with what is, and with where we are now- and from this point we must proceed; not from where we were, not from where we wish we were - but from where we are.
Richard L. Evans -
But fortunately for us and for all men, it has not been given unto us to judge, nor to execute, nor to measure out the days and the years of men. We may be most grateful that such matters belong to the Lord God our Father, who sees things past and things to come. And, we may be grateful for the assurance that there is plan and purpose in this world, and in our own lives.
Richard L. Evans -
May we never let the things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. As we value our happiness let us not forget it. For one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have.
Richard L. Evans -
We should think seriously before we slam doors, before we burn bridges, before we saw off the limb on which we find ourselves sitting.
Richard L. Evans -
Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
Richard L. Evans
There never was a tonic that would cure more social ailments than a healthy, happy home. There never was a greater source of social stability than an affectionate and understanding family. There never was a better way of helping children to happiness than the close confidence of wise and loving and responsible parents.
Richard L. Evans -
When in the world are we going to begin to live as if we understood that this is life? This is our time, our day...and it is passing. What are we waiting for?
Richard L. Evans -
There's no pillow quite so soft as a father's strong shoulder.
Richard L. Evans -
Literally, no man ever sees himself as others see him. No photograph or reflection ever gives us the same slant on ourselves that others see. It has often been proved on the witness stand that no two people ever see the same accident precisely the same way. We see through different eyes and from different angles. But if we could see things as other people see them, we could come closer to knowing why they do what they do and why they say what they say.
Richard L. Evans -
There must be a priority of values in all our lives.
Richard L. Evans -
This is life-and it is passing. What are we waiting for?
Richard L. Evans
Humor is essential to a full and happy life. It is a reliever and relaxer of pressure and tension, and the saving element in many situations.
Richard L. Evans -
What is it that makes us suppose that we can more easily do twice tomorrow what we didn't do once today!
Richard L. Evans -
We must not let the things we can't do keep us from doing the things we can do.
Richard L. Evans -
All things need watching, working at, caring for, and marriage is no exception. Marriage is not something to be indifferently treated or abused, or something that simply takes care of itself. Nothing neglected will remain as it was or is, or will fail to deteriorate. All things need attention, care and concern, and esp...ecially so in this most sensitive of all relationships of life.
Richard L. Evans -
If we don't want temptation to follow us, we shouldn't act as if we are interested. No one ever fell over a precipice who never went near one.
Richard L. Evans -
Give no man sympathy because he has to work - it is his blessing that he can.
Richard L. Evans
We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and courage to stop what we shouldn't do.
Richard L. Evans -
Freedom cannot always continue in comfort and convenience, cannot be assured without sacrifice, without truth and decency, without willingness to work, without downright honesty and honor, and readiness to keep the commandments and live within the law...there is no liberty without a real respect for law; no liberty if we forget God, or fail to remember the principles on which freedom is founded.
Richard L. Evans -
Live so as to have a quiet conscience.
Richard L. Evans -
Parents who indulge themselves 'in moderation' may have children who indulge themselves to excess.
Richard L. Evans