Turning points in my life... the bush, the trails, lakes, waterfalls... moving camp from one wonderful lake to another... the companionship of a great individual, a wonder with canoe, axe and fish line.
It is necessary that... we should believe that we are as capable of producing great art as we believe we are capable of doing great deeds.
Jackson is the most consummate sketcher I have ever known. These little panels, handy on the trail, could be handled as easily as an expert marksman uses a quiver full of arrows.
Imagine a glorious full moon coming over the tops of the spruce, big and yellow, shedding a mysterious light on everything... the moonlight had colour, you could see to paint and be able to appreciate the colour of things.
Thomson sought the wilderness, never seeking to tame it, but only to draw from it, its magic of tangle and season.
Don't paint the apple; paint the red.
There is something cosmic in his interpretation of the movement of earth and sky and weather forms in his paintings...