the cross and resurrection are the sign to all that evil cannot overcome the life in God’s Son.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
Out of what was unsettled and ugly, God crafted a new creation.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama
It may take years of struggle and confession, battle and failure. The places in my life where I struggle with deadly sins are matters of a decade or more of focus, repentance, shame, and grace. I’ve traveled some long roads simply to lessen the depth of some of my failures and addictions — just to get to a place where I can receive fresh grace and encouragement.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
Hope then isn’t that someday I will escape. Hope is that someday I will be transformed
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
resurrection insists that the darkness is actually surrounded by light—and the light is growing.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
When paradigms change, the world itself changes with them … during revolutions scientists see new and different things when looking with familiar instruments in places they have looked before.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
Entering dark places and raising human beings to a new kind of life was Jesus’ primary activity.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama -
Jesus believed that God’s will being done on earth as in heaven was God’s chief priority.
Jeffery A. Cook Alabama