All-American' looks very different today than it did twenty years ago, and I felt that that wasn't being reflected. For better or for worse, young girls get their idea of what is beautiful from the pages of magazines. And so when an Indian girl looks in Seventeen and sees a girl from her background smiling back at her, that sends her a message that she is beautiful.
It doesn't make good business sense to stay the same. Girls today have so many different role models they wouldn't stand for it if they only saw the same thing every time they looked at Seventeen .
Teen girls are figuring out what they want out of life and who they want to be. Combine this new responsibility with all the stress and pressures in their lives and the result, unfortunately, can be substance abuse.
You have to be very careful. Girls have to remember, everybody has to remember, that your spring break can go from being that postcard, that picture perfect postcard, to a nightmare in a flash. Really keep your guard up.
Tweens are at the place in life where they are beginning to assert their independence from Mom and Dad.
It's not going to help my reader if we only show girls who are size 6's. Everyone is beautiful, it's just a matter of confidence, and we try to show that.
There's always a voice inside your head, and a lot of people second guess it. It can tell me very crazy things, but I will walk willingly into its arms.
The trouser is looser but it's tailored and has a flat front so it doesn't look frumpy, so kids will like it.