Prayer among men is supposed a means to change the person to whom we pray; but prayer to God doth not change him, but fits us to receive the things prayed for.
Each moss, Each shell, each drawling insect, holds a rank Important in the plan of Him who fram'd This scale of beings; holds a rack which, lost Would break the chain, and leave behind a gap Which Nature's self would rue.
See how the skilful lover spreads his toils.
Astrological prayers seem to me to be built on as good reason as the predictions.
Philosophers and common heathen believed one God, to whom all things were referred; but under this God they worshipped many inferior and subservient gods.
Sincerity and honesty carry one through many difficulties which all the arts he can invent would never help him through.
A story should, to please, at least seem true, Be apropos, well told, concise, and new: And whenso'er it deviates from these rules, The wise will sleep, and leave applause to fools.
Nothing enlarges the gulf of atheism more than the wide passage that lies between the faith and lives of men pretending to teach Christianity.