The necessary connexion of movement and time is real and time is something the soul (dhihn) constructs in movement.
If teleological study of the world is philosophy, and if the Law commands such a study, then the Law commands philosophy.
Women should be treated as human beings, not as domestic animals.
Ignorance leads to fear, fear leads to hate, and hate leads to violence. This is the equation.
Knowledge is the conformity of the object and the intellect.
There is no city that is truly one other than this city that we anahnti are involved in bringing forth.
The double meaning has been given to suit people's diverse intelligence. The apparent contradictions are meant to stimulate the learned to deeper study.
The Law teaches that the universe was invented and created by God, and that it did not come into being by chance or by itself.
The texts about the future life fall into, since demonstrative scholars do not agree whether to take them in their apparent meaning or interpret them allegorically. Either is permissible. But it is inexcusable to deny the fact of a future life altogether.
After logic we must proceed to philosophy proper. Here too we have to learn from our predecessors, just as in mathematics and law. Thus it is wrong to forbid the study of ancient philosophy. Harm from it is accidental, like harm from taking medicine, drinking water, or studying law.