One of the things that drives me is the excitement that I could fail. What better buzz can you get?
Our advertising partnership with Allegiant Air is a natural fit for us. Branding encompasses everything from good customer service to strategic advertising positioning and targeting. This in-air branding exercise will allow us to target a specific player demographic, while continuing to expand the presence of our brand throughout the continental United States.
I can understand the frustration felt by the many basketball players who feel that they have been forced to conform with the league's new dress code, .. Iverson and other NBA players have suggested that they will not abide by the league's dress code, and Bodog.com will offer to reimburse any fines levied, and match the payment with a donation to each player's charity of choice.
Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn't mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000.
Someone is going to figure out how to make this work and when they do, all the anti-gambling, over-regulating authoritarian governments will be exposed as emperors without clothes. It might not be obvious that this is even happening at first, since these systems are by definition stealthy affairs.