Who you are is not defined by what you do, but it is defined according to who Jesus is to you
That it doesn’t matter how people treat you, how they label you, as long as you don’t label you.
Praise is so powerful that it opens the eyes of people who don't want to see.
You know you're hearing from God when you don't walk away with facts but you walk away with faith.
"I’M NOT READY FOR THAT." How many times have you heard that? How many times have you said that? It’s a very natural reaction to things that are daunting and often make us feel insecure. It’s also a very common excuse to bow out of things we need to step into.
What makes you the most insecure in life? Is it the success of others? Is it people who are doing what you want to do someday but you can’t do currently? Is it constant comparison to people and things that are not even running the same race as you? Do the exact opposite of what insecurity tells you to do. Cheer for somebody who is winning when you’re tempted to tear them down. Reach out to the person who you wish would reach out to you. When comparison creeps in, remind yourself that you are content simply being you. Insecurity’s grip on your life is not as tight as you may imagine.
What appears to be a breakdown can often be a breakthrough.... IF you understand God's grace
Sometimes you are faced with moments in life that literally scare you to death. But if what you love or believe matters enough? You will own it.
Passion produced out of prayer and praise pushes you to extremes.
Our job is not the harvest, our job is the seed.
I made the fearful decision to head to Sydney, Australia, to study the Bible. My calling, my wife, Laura, my church, my passion - all were behind the scariest door of all time. Since that day, this remains exactly true: Fear never leaves. But the way we handle it can always change.
But for the rest of us, we all have stories, we all have a past, and the difference between people who are effective and people who are not is this: Will you use your story, or will your story use you?
When our souls are healthy, we change the environment; the environment doesn't change us.
I will pray again that I never stop seeing the other side of the coin, the possibility of redemption, the audacious view that hope can arise in the middle of the worst of situations.