For me, the words 'Anything is possible' haven't served as a bolstering of hope as much as a warning to run for cover.
But can't it sometimes take one to tango? Don't underserved blows often come out of the blue?
At the rate science proceeds, rockets and missiles will one day seem like buffalo - slow, endangered grazers in the black pasture of outer space.
Look, if the reason you two aren't speaking doesn't make sense, then the reason you contact him again doesn't have to make sense, either. If nothing makes sense, act accordingly.
I'm so proud of you! I gushed, a statement I've only recently come to realize can be a backhanded compliment, insinuating that the person you're proud of has had to overcome some character flaw to do whatevre they've done to make you proud, so what you're really saying is not that you're proud, but that you're suprised the person has made you proud.