It is not matter that creates an illusion of consciousness, but consciousness that creates an illusion of matter.
Advances are Made by Answering Questions. Discoveries are Made by Questioning Answers.
Christianity, as it had played out over the past two millennia, meant power disguised as principle, guilt imposed on the susceptible, irrationality run amok, and the suppression of free inquiry. It meant hypocrisy and self-righteousness, dogmatism, and superstition. It meant monks flogging themselves and soldiers wearing crosses and the auto-da-fe of the Inquisition.
It seems from my unique vantage point as both scientist and editor of JSE that substantial evidence exists of "something going on".
The single difference between the theory I propose and the ideas current in modern astrophysics is that I assume that an infinite conscious intelligence preexists. You cannot get away from the preexistence of something, and whether that is an ensemble of physical laws generating infinite random universes or an infinite conscious intelligence is something present-day science cannot resolve, and indeed one view is not more rational than the other.
When my parents arrived with a few trunks, a few dollars, and one kid -- me -- the bakery opportunity proved to be only half-baked. I'm glad. Otherwise, I might have been a baker and this might have been a cookbook.
A 1977 poll of American astronomers, published in JSE, showed the following. Out of 2611 questionnaires 1356 were returned. In response to whether the UFO problem deserved further study the replies were: 23% certainly, 30% probably, 27% percent possibly, 17% probably not, 3% certainly not. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between the amount of reading done on the subject and the opinion that further study was in order.
Ultimately, however, there is no absolute good or bad, no timeless right or wrong, only that which does or does not advance our (i.e. God's) existential purpose. Rules of proper behavior depend upon time and place, because the consequences of the things we do largely depend on the context in which they are done. Consider how the sex act can be a crime or a consummation of love, depending solely on the context in which it is performed.
It is ridiculous to think of the creation of the world as occurring on a certain date—say, in the autumn of 4004 B.C.E.! It is equally ridiculous to describe a creator as a vengeful, adoration-hungry patriarch who lives in the clouds and whose scowling, bearded face is guaranteed to frighten children and intimidate the pious. And indeed, it is just as ridiculous to go to the other extreme and postulate a quantum creator-god who is discernible only as a sort of fuzzy cosmic hologram of all there is.
Cut through the ridicule and search for factual information in most of the skeptical commentary and one is usually left with nothing. This is not surprising. After all, how can one rationally object to a call for scientific examination of evidence? Be skeptical of the skeptics.
And the purpose is for God to experience his potential. God's ideas and abilities become God's experience in the life of every sentient being. What greater purpose could there be for each of us humans than that of creating God's experience? God experiences the richness of his potential through us because we are the incarnations of him in the physical realm.
I offer a genuine insight into how you can, and should, be a rational, science-believing human being and at the same time know that you are also an immortal spiritual being, a spark of God. I propose a worldview that offers a way out of the hate and fear-driven violence engulfing the planet.
The laws of relativity are clear on this point. If you could move at the speed of light, you would see all of space shrink to a single point, and all of time collapse to an instant. In the reference frame of light, there is no space and time.
Was Christ God incarnate? Yes, of course, but so are we all. This in no way detracts from the divinity of Christ, who must have been a very advanced incarnation of God. And for those Christians who feel uncomfortable with the notion that we are all incarnations of God, and therefore brothers and sisters of Christ, let me quote John 14:12: “In all truth I tell you, whoever believes in me will perform the same works as I do myself, and will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father.
Irrationality is the opposite of rationality: it means unreasonable, unfounded, ill-conceived. Irrationality is reason, practiced badly. A trance brought about by ecstatic dancing or drumming is certainly not rational, but it isn't irrational either. It's non-rational—it belongs to another category of experience entirely. Indeed, much of its value lies quite precisely in the fact that it takes us on a holiday away from reason.
Most scientists never look at UFO evidence, which leads to their conclusion that there is no evidence.
As science integrates the in-depth knowledge of the physical world accumulated over the past three centuries, it will be channeled into a new and exciting line of inquiry that acknowledges the expanded reality of consciousness as a creative force in the universe and the spiritual creative power embodied in our own minds.
What does have absolute meaning, however, is the way in which we treat others, including animals. We shape our universe by the love or malice, the compassion or indifference, we bring to our relationships with our fellow beings. Under the God Theory, the requirement that you treat others with respect and compassion is, for all practical purposes, a moral absolute, since all beings participate in the infinite consciousness that created them. Other rules of morality may be judged by how well they do or do not serve the common good, which is not the same at all times and all places.
Consciousness creates reality.
Playing the game is far more satisfying than reading the rules.
We understand the rules because we made them up—not in the state we currently find ourselves as human beings, of course, but back when we were literally one with God, before God decided to temporarily become us.
In everyday life, he claims, we all experience three states of consciousness: the awake state, in which we experience awareness and the objects of our consciousness originate in the physical reality around us; the dream state, in which we experience awareness, but the objects of our consciousness have some internal origin; and the deepsleep state, in which there is no awareness. According to Russell, the state achieved in meditation is a fourth distinct state, in which there is awareness, indeed profound awareness, but awareness of nothing but consciousness itself. In this state, awareness transcends consciousness of objects and is pure self-awareness.