When you fail to see something, that doesn't mean I'm hiding it.
If you're not sure what you want, then hold back from making plans or responding to invitations until you have a chance to think about it.
There is a difference between your parents' not reporting to you everything they do and keeping secrets from you.
A lot of support gets withheld out of fear of awkwardness and misspeaking.
Separation is where you see if it works better with the adults in two different homes.
Unfortunately, I think the expectation is that birthday girls don't pay.
I'm sure there are people who can toggle quickly from all-in caregiving to structured socializing, but I can't think of any offhand.
No matter what else comes, your courage will be your companion for life.
For me, the greatest source of frustration was trying to work with a willful child when there was something else I wanted - say, to get the child to go to bed so I could have my own time. Just the promise of the time, and feeling that promise slip away, was enough to introduce a whole other element of stress into the encounter.
It takes awareness that it's not only not a bad thing to let others do things their own way, it is in fact an improvement. It makes life richer and more interesting.
I do crosswords when I have time to kill somewhere, and am 100 percent successful on filling in the spots I get stuck on - after I close up, do something else, and then go back to it.
Separating is not divorcing. Please keep that in mind. It is, instead, the second step in seeing if there's a better way to manage your family.
If the guests want to wrest the check away from the host, because the host is also the guest of honor, then the guest who volunteers has to cover the whole thing. A guest can't volunteer -all- of the guests to pay for the host/honoree.
If you take the time to listen to an upset child's story with empathy, and guide the child toward figuring out the root of the problem, then the result is often that the child not only calms down, but also in the future is less likely to get so upset.
And if you're a parent who thinks you're okay because your kid doesn't have a phone or iPod yet, and/or you've used all the parent controls to filter out explicit material, you're not okay. The filters are tissue paper and your kid without a phone is on a school bus or in a locker room or at a public park with phone-equipped kids every day. And they're like all kids in exploring - by whatever means available to them - exactly what their parents are treating as too embarrassing or taboo to talk about.
You don't want someone who can't tell the difference between having a different opinion and dismissing your opinion.
Being highly invested and preoccupied by an emotionally consuming mission tends to steal resources from other aspects of your emotional life.
I believe in innocence until there's proof of guilt and all that.
Relationships are complicated, but happiness in a relationship isn't: It's just wanting exactly what you have. Wanting something else is dispiriting.
We all make deals with ourselves when it comes to the difficult people in our lives.
Attractions are things we all should be good at saying no to, because our Department of Attraction is arguably the least reliable and productive office in our entire brain.
Bodies and minds need breaks or the work suffers, this has been proven and reproven to the point where we don't even need to post links to support it.
If you are being shuffled around, then you should feel shuffled around.
You can't make someone agree with you, not even when you're 100 percent sure you're right.