While most people had moved on from children's books, Jake still loved them. They felt cozy like hot chocolate with mini marshmallows or a new jumbo box of Crayola crayons.
My own experience being bullied - it made me a more compassionate person. It made me more sympathetic to the adolescent experience.
I've always protected myself when it comes to love. And maybe that's the problem. By not letting myself get hurt now, it ripples into much bigger pain later.
I think that being bullied is a shameful experience.
You know how I feel about love. It was invented to sell wedding cakes. And vacations to Waikiki.
There isn't a definite right and wrong anyway. Sometimes we do what seems wrong, but we have good reasons for doing it, so it's not wrong after all.
Prior to being bullied, I was a very footloose sixth-grader. You know, I was quirky, I was creative - I really felt good in my own body. And when I was bullied in seventh grade, my self-esteem tanked.
On Valentine's Day, the Spirit Club plastered the school with red streamersand pink balloons and red and pink hearts. It looked like Clifford the Big Red Dog ate a flock of flamigoes and then barfed his guts up.
Remember what to do when you're at the bottom of a hole? You've got to stop digging.
For some girls it’s sexy when a guy bench-presses or throws a football, but he’s slaying me with the book references.
Everything you do to other people affects them, and how you treat people affects them.
I guess quotes make me feel more connected.
Never underestimate yourself
I need to acknowledge that she may have controlled my past, but she doesn't have to dominate my present and my future, too
Josh is loving and kind, and he knows me better than anyone. He knows the real me, and he likes me for who I am. Josh is...Josh. And now he's gone. I press my wet face into my pillow. This is what heartbreak feels like.
I'm not saying you didn't deserve it, O." Dakota laughed. "But I'm restocking the karma bank and you're at the top of my list.
Guys won't admit it, but we're all obsessed with our biceps. I did three sets of ten reps, thirty-five pounds on each side. I knew I was pushing it, especially since we have practice this afternoon, but what the fuck. That was going to be my motto today. What the fuck.
He had no idea there even was a before until he crashed hard into the after.
Whether it is clear or unclear to you the universe is folding as it should
I like the flaws best," Sam said. "They make her real.
The one thing I do remember is that as I retraced my steps through all the familiar streets of my life, Inow felt completely lost.
Ted and I had history,” Jake said. “We were in love. This hurts all the time. I never stop thinking about how much this hurts.” Zoe stretched out her arms and pretended to play a goddamn violin.
It freaks me out to stare at myself, especially my eyes, and know all those things I've been things inside
It's like you wake up one morning, and decided that how you've been in the past doesn't have to define who you are in the future. Simple as that.