So knuckle down. Get your book written. Get your life sorted.
Embrace the wrongness because it'll make the eventual rightness even sweeter
To me, the world sounds warm and hushed.
By the end of our lives, we're covered in battle scars and shrapnel.
It's the future, love, it's always changing.
I mean . . . it's not really breaking the law if you're helping people, right? Surely that's a flaw in the law, not with me.
Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
Why should I shatter your wonderful fantasy with my boring reality? ~ Evie Snow
Theatres have a certain kind of magic.
In the words of Madame Leota in the film The Haunted Mansion, 'You try, you fail, you try, you fail, but the only true failure is when you stop trying
I wasn't very good with people either until recently ... Turns out I just wasn't very good with myself
Great adventures can start small. Even as small as a sweet. Help yourself to an adventure.
Let's not be causing bad feeling where there wasn't bad feeling before.
People's hearts break because they once cared
Life on this island is slim pickings if you have ambition.
You can't have rainbows without rain.
As individuals they were stone, but together they were glass, and their families danced a ballet around them, careful not to ripple the peace they had found.
Even though she didn't love him, it was clear to both of them that their souls were made of the same stuff.
People are people. Ever changing, complicated and wonderfully layered.
Happiness is always there. You just have to choose to see it. There's no point dwelling in the dark and ignoring the light of the stars.
The colours of her heart represented the deeds she'd done, both good and bad, but the faint smell of treacle told her that, overall, she had a sweet heart.
Everyone is on a journey at any given moment in their lives
What’s your problem? Why can’t you just be happy for people instead of seeing the world through the haze of your own misery?
Ask me something that will make me think. Something I'll have to wonder whether I should tell you the answer to or not. ~ Evie Snow