We never were shaped by anything. The music business as a large behemoth entity told us what we should be, so we went in the other direction. We do what we wanna do, we’re self-confident, we wanna put ideas on the table we feel are important, we wanna play music that’s aggressive and confrontational but at its heart humane. People at the top have told us over the years that we should be doing other things, and you should never be arrogant enough not to listen to people, but after you’ve considered things if you feel it’s not the right thing to do on principle then don’t do it. Live and die by what you think your own band should be, and that’s what we’ve done. We never had ideas above our station, we never had ideas to be the biggest band in the world – we wanted to make a lot of fucking noise, satisfy ourselves and the people that come to see us. We’re high energy, no fucking around.