No matter how naturally gifted you are, it's your passion that's going to make you better and maybe touch some people.
I was thinking that people have to believe you're crazy in order to take you seriously as an artist.
Going back and forth between wanting to be respected artistically and wanting to move people is its own challenge.
If you're wandering the streets, talking in gibberish, nobody ever asks you to change anything about your art because there's no context for people to look at what you do.
The musicians themselves don't seem to know enough about why they're in the positions they're in, so they're afraid to lose those positions.
I've had nightmares about having to kick people out of my band because they've said that they don't like the Beatles. I'd wake up and turn to them and say, "You like the Beatles, right?"
Even with artists I love, only about a third of their music is what really hits the sweet spot for me.
Some people have been listening to the Beatles their whole lives; I didn't discover them until I was 18 years old. As a result, I'm still very affected and moved by their music - maybe in a way that's different from someone who grew up around it.
What affected me the most about the Beatles was that they were the biggest band in the world and they could have done anything they wanted.
If you're 22 years old and you can't believe you're even in the position to have a career making music, the first thing you're going to think is: Maintain. Don't lose it. And that's precisely what causes you to lose everything.
All I do is listen to music. It's a weird thing. It's like I have so much catching up to do. I've always been over my head. That's just the way I work best, you know. Like when you're studying for school you think, "I can only study when I have to study the night before." That kind of means you're lazy or you're a procrastinator, but for me with music it's a similar thing. It's like I've been over my head for most of my career so to speak.
In the end, I think musicians know that getting up in the morning and making music you love doesn't necessarily mean that you deserve billions of dollars or worship from anybody.
A big part of making an album is that you want to have enough material - you want to have enough stuff for people to hear and know that it represents you.
I have no shame in making music that maybe, if you listen to it long enough, you'll realize you've heard this or that part of it before.