O Lord Most-wise, strengthen us by Your power that we not fear the non-believing world neither when they lash us with whips nor when they insult us with words for Your sake.
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
By His Resurrection, Christ conquered sin and death, destroyed Satan's dark kingdom, freed the enslaved human race and broke the seal on the greatest mysteries of God and man.
Nikolaj Velimirovic
Let us be ashamed of our slowness in thanking God when He gives, and of our quickness in grumbling at Him when He takes away.
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
Be humble, for the worst thing in the world is of the same stuff as you; be confident, for the stars are of the same stuff as you.
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
We are waiting for Christ, and not a better time.
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
For if God does not for a moment tire of giving us good things, how can we tire of thanking Him for these good things?
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
For every man, peace of soul is precious.
Nikolaj Velimirovic -
For every man, peace of soul is precious. With those who have attained peace of soul, the body can be in constant motion; in work, in pain, but their souls, affixed to God, always remain in unwavering peace.
Nikolaj Velimirovic