How can we not have paid our dues? What were we doing before this band? Fucking sitting at home practicing! Most of us have played enough gigs to say we've paid our dues.
The great thing about life is there's always a second chance so don't despair.
Good job, I'm a pop star.
The problem in America is, the 'alternative' scene isn't alternative anymore. It's just all these metal bands who cut off their fucking hair. I mean, Live is a really stodgy old rock group. We don't feel comfortable being lumped in with a scene like that.
I read a few books but I never really took any lessons. I just listened to records and played along. Initally it's not that easy, but if you do it enough, you find you can actually play things quite easily.
The reason I decided to become a musician is because it seemed better then getting a job at the time, when I was 10.