In the shorter term where there has been some concern on those numbers there could be little bit of a relief rally.
We think this is a good title for our first read because it has such a broad-based appeal. And because it was chosen as the 2001 best book for young adults by the American Library Association.
I think the sector is cranking along and there's a couple of stocks that will do well out of that disaster (the destruction in New Orleans).
The weakness in the currency is probably the story of the day and the currency sensitive stocks are doing very well.
They had the best of the conditions and we worked really hard and outplayed them, it was a top win.
I could feel the heat of the fire coming up through the bottom of my pant leg.
Our view is if they can sell it as a going concern, and they can sell it for around $100 million, it will be a good result for them.