I figure the oldies are real close to what rocking country use to be.
If you do right, everything will come out right.
Some people said my acting was a cross between Euell Gibbons, Rodney Allen Rippy and Sheena, Queen of the Jungle.
We are put on this earth to have a good time. This makes other people feel good. And the cycle continues.
I taught myself to tune in to another person's wavelength, figure out what they were looking for, and try to project that thing back at them.
I never prayed for no money, and I never prayed for no fame. I said, 'I'll take care of that myself. You just keep me healthy and I'll do all I can to try to turn people around, to try to steer 'em in the right direction.' That's the whole trip in life, ya know.
A little mordida, here. A little mordida, there.
I'm very rich - in friends. I'm too nice a fellow. I give most of my money away.
It would take me three or four lifetimes to do everything I want. I'm a Brooklyn boy who learned to hustle, and I have to do something every day or I get the guilties.
I know it sounds corny, man, but I like to bring folks joy, and I like to have a good time. I know folks like to be with somebody who's having a good time. You sure as hell don't want to be with somebody who's having a bad day.