The library is our house of intellect, our transcendental university, with one exception: no one graduates from a library. No one possibly can, and no one should.
Everybody is somebody, so you don't have to introduce anybody.
In these finalists, we have sought designs that represent the heights of imagination while incorporating aesthetic grace and spiritual strength.
Dignity is not negotiable. Dignity is the honor of the family.
Our aim has also been to find a design that will begin to repair both the wounded cityscape and our wounded souls, to provide a place for the contemplation of both loss and new life.
Libraries keep the records on behalf of all humanity. the unique and the absurd, the wise and the fragments of stupidity.
At the corporation, we believe one of the most critical issues facing the country is the preparation of America's teachers, which is just not good enough. Creating a vision for change and sharing how to improve teacher preparation is something the corporation is committed to.
Schools of journalism at exemplary American research universities, where the academic disciplines still coexist, are positioned to draw upon the full intellectual and educational resources of the university environment to help produce the skilled, responsible, expert, knowledgeable and highly proficient journalism leaders that our society-indeed the world-has need of, especially in these complex and challenging times, ... Our democracy depends on journalism to keep its institutions challenged and responsive to the public's needs, and the quality of the profession demands the best a university can offer.
The only condition a library asks its users to honor is to do justice to their own imagination, their own curiosity and their own thirst for knowledge, and in the process, to achieve their own independence of mind and spirit.
It meant that New York philanthropists, New York society, would now rediscover the library. ... that learning, books, education have glamour, that self-improvement has glamour, that hope has glamour.
It is very important that, no matter what happens, you keep your feeling of self worth and value.
Libraries and museums are the DNA of our culture.
Over the next several days, the design will be updated to reflect several changes, and new presentation materials will be created.
The result is a memorial that expresses both the incalculable loss of life and its regeneration.
The universe is not going to see someone like you again in the entire history of creation.
In our democratic society, the library stands for hope, for learning, for progress, for literacy, for self-improvement and for civic engagement. The library is a symbol of opportunity, citizenship, equality, freedom of speech and freedom of thought, and hence, is a symbol for democracy itself.
That is the future, and it is probably nearer than we think. But our primary problem as universities is not engineering that future. We must rise above the obsession with quantity of information and speed of transmission, and recognize that the key issue for us is our ability to organize this information once it has been amassed - to assimilate it, find meaning in it, and assure its survival for use by generations to come.
The importance of teachers in American education has never been a question, but recent research has established beyond doubt that the most important element of student achievement is the quality of the teacher. At the Corporation, we believe one of the most critical issues facing the country is the preparation of America's teachers, which is just not good enough. Creating a vision for change and sharing how to improve teacher preparation is something the Corporation is committed to. We are pleased to join forces with the Annenberg Foundation in pursuit of this goal.
There she was in her bed. Dead. But nobody explained it to me. They told me later that she had gone to America.
The library is not only a diary of the human race, but marks an act of faith in the continuity of humanity.
One of my greatest sources of pride as president of the New York Public Library is the continuance of the library's open, free, and democratic posture, the fact that we are here for Everyman, that we are indeed Everyman's university, the place where the scholar who is not college-affiliated can come and work and feel at home.
The library is central to our free society. It is a critical element in the free exchange of information at the heart of our democracy.
The book is here to stay. What we're doing is symbolic of the peaceful coexistence of the book and the computer.
The Partnership for Higher Education in Africa represents our commitment to Africa's next generation of leaders, who deserve an exemplary education to prepare them to help set the course for their nations' futures. We expect the universities in which we invest to become the foundation of a higher education network that will serve all of Africa for decades to come.