Our job is not to answer questions, its to ask the right questions...that get us to the right answer.
Bill Buxton -
Sketches are social things. They are lonely outside the company of other sketches and related reference material. They are lonely if they are discarded as soon as they are done. And they definitely are happiest when everyone in the studio working on the project has spent time with them.
Bill Buxton
My thesis is that in order to design a tool, we must make our best efforts to understand the larger social and physical context within which it is intended to function.
Bill Buxton -
Always be a beginner at something, and always be in love with what you are beginning.
Bill Buxton -
The experience is about how we get there, not the landing place.
Bill Buxton -
Always be a beginner at something.
Bill Buxton -
If history is any indication, we should assume that any technology that is going to have a significant impact over the next 10 years is already 10 years old!
Bill Buxton -
The diversity of web browsers tomorrow will match the diversity of ink browsers (aka paper) today.
Bill Buxton
Ultimately, we are deluding ourselves if we think that the products that we design are the ‘things’ that we sell, rather than the individual, social and cultural experience that they engender, and the value and impact that they have. Design that ignores this is not worthy of the name.
Bill Buxton -
The fundamental thing about sketching is that it isabout asking not telling.
Bill Buxton -
When we have this description, of what a sketch is, itsattributes, we can then start inventing new things thatshare those attributes, and therefore improve our currenttechnics by inventing new and better tools that help ussketch.
Bill Buxton -
If I can see it, it's a failure.
Bill Buxton -
If you want toget the most outof a sketch, youneed to leave bigenough holes forthe imagination to fit in.
Bill Buxton -
The only way to engineer the future tomorrow is to have lived in it yesterday.
Bill Buxton