When people move from poor countries to America, they quickly adapt in at least one way - their consumption habits.
Gary Bauer -
I believe if more American children read the Ten Commandments and are taught what they mean, they will predictably engage in less crime.
Gary Bauer
It's important to ask candidates about their beliefs, in part because politicians frequently exploit religious faith - often with the idea that voters will be more likely to unthinkingly accept certain political positions so long as they arise from religious belief.
Gary Bauer -
Republican values - strong families, faith, personal responsibility and freedom, among others - are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values, and it is Republicans' job to remind Americans of that fact.
Gary Bauer -
Today's children are taught by our culture that we are a cosmic accident. Something slithered out of the primal slime and over billions of years evolved into a human being. We are cousins, ten times removed, to the ape at the zoo eating his own excrement.
Gary Bauer -
If Republicans want to be seen as more compassionate, they should continue to stand proudly for the sanctify of life and marriage. And they should do so without apologizing.
Gary Bauer -
Liberals need to take the advice they routinely give to conservatives: that there are consequences to their divisive rhetoric, and that in their attempts to score political points, they are also inciting violence.
Gary Bauer -
Independence doesn't - doesn't equate to moderates. Millions of independents are pro-life. Millions of independents believe marriage is between a man and a woman.
Gary Bauer
One thing everyone seems to agree on is that Republicans face a perceived compassion deficit.
Gary Bauer -
Obviously, marriage is not a synonym for morality. But stable marriages and families do encourage moral behavior.
Gary Bauer -
Big-government proponents embrace both the power of the federal government and the idea that millions of Americans ought to be dependent on its largesse. It's time to return to our Founders' love for small government. More is not always better.
Gary Bauer -
Americans have not only a right but a responsibility to consider the values of those who seek to lead them - whether they arise from life experience, political ideology or religious belief.
Gary Bauer -
It seems that the only gun violence some leftists approve of is gun violence aimed at cops and other groups they see as oppressive or racist.
Gary Bauer -
When a young man massacres innocents, we have been trained to believe that the act was due to improper levels of chemical enzymes and misfiring synapses. As we learn more about our cells, we forget more about our souls.
Gary Bauer
America used to have a strong 'moral safety net' for its people. Today that net is badly frayed, not only because families are disintegrating but also because the church doesn't play the same role that it once did in many Americans' lives.
Gary Bauer -
I have no problem with any gay group that says they're Republicans, but I will fight them tooth and nail if they try to change what the Republican Party believes.
Gary Bauer -
I think it would be bizarre to pick somebody to speak at the convention based on their sexual preference, because once you go down that road, why don't you pick a transvestite?
Gary Bauer -
There's a lot of people out now around America who depend on checks from their fellow taxpayers being in the mailbox every day.
Gary Bauer -
The Left regards the Constitution as defective and outmoded - in part because it impedes the government's ability to control institutions, like churches and families, which stand between the state and individuals.
Gary Bauer -
Beyond politics, the West is suffering from what can be called a crisis of brokenness - broken institutions, broken families and broken souls.
Gary Bauer
I'm against big bureaucracy in Washington making health care decisions. I just have an aversion to bureaucrats. But it's not just government bureaucrats. I don't like HMO bureaucrats and insurance company bureaucrats either.
Gary Bauer -
In the continuing debate over the morality of enhanced interrogation, an essential consideration is often overlooked: intent.
Gary Bauer -
If Republicans are aiming for the heart, for compassion, the last thing they should do is abandon the sanctity of life. Instead, they should tell Americans that they believe in the dignity and value of every human being, from the defenseless unborn child, to the newborn with a disability, to the 90-year-old dealing with dementia.
Gary Bauer -
As a conservative, I maintain a healthy skepticism of the theory of man-made global warming. I also believe that more people enjoying the fruits of modernity and economic development is a good thing - as long as those people arrived legally and obey the law.
Gary Bauer