We have started to explore the extent to which interventions that can decrease the amount of drug consumed can have benefits to the individual, it would be valuable to decrease the amount of drug consumed.
Nora Volkow -
I do believe we all have a responsibility with our lives. It's just an extraordinary miracle that we exist, as a person with our unique characteristics.
Nora Volkow
When you hunt animals, you may succeed or not. But when you open the fridge, you will succeed 100 percent of the time.
Nora Volkow -
We cannot be guided by wishful thinking. We need objective data.
Nora Volkow -
It's a compulsion, it's a need that goes beyond the ability to consciously control it, and in that respect it's very similar to drug addiction.
Nora Volkow -
I could have gone for gambling or sex addiction,...But I went for obesity because of the tremendous impact it has.
Nora Volkow -
When you start to live in a situation like that . . . it creates a sense of responsibility to your own life to do something that can help others.
Nora Volkow -
The inability to stop is the essence of what addiction is, ... my favorite drug was more and all.
Nora Volkow