Thought changes structure... I saw people rewire their brains with their thoughts, to cure previously incurable obsessions and trauma.
We see with our brains, not with our eyes.
Neuroplasticity is the property of the brain that enables it to change its own structure and functioning in response to activity and mental experience.
Psychoanalysis is often about turning our ghosts into ancestors.
Ironically, some of our most stubborn habits and disorders are products of our plasticity.
Mind training matters. It is not just a luxury, or a supplementary vitamin for the soul. It determines the quality of every instant of our lives.
Nothing speeds brain atrophy more than being immobilized in the same environment.
No other instinct can so satisfy without accomplishing its biological purpose, and no other instinct is so disconnected from its purpose.
The brain is a far more open system than we ever imagined, and nature has gone very far to help us perceive and take in the world around us. It has given us a brain that survives in a changing world by changing itself.
Analysis helps patients put their unconscious procedural memories and actions into words and into context, so they can better understand them.